What Employees Want

Employees Recognize Overall Health Includes Mental Health

An overwhelming majority of employees see mental health as a clear priority.

Icon of hands holding a brain

Nearly all (97%) acknowledge that mental health is an important part of overall health.

Icon of head with heart shape

96% agree that mental health is as important as physical health.

These employee convictions are not lukewarm.
In fact, 8 in 10 strongly agree with each of these statements (84 percent and 80 percent, respectively).

Somewhat agree

Strongly agree

Agreement Total* (NET)
Mental health is an important part of overall health 13% Somewhat agree, and 84% Strongly agree 97%
Mental health is as important as physical health 16% Somewhat agree, and 80% Strongly agree 96%
Unaddressed mental health issues can lead to mental health disorders 22% Somewhat agree, and 73% Strongly agree 95%
Unaddressed mental health issues can lead to chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease 39% Somewhat agree, and 44% Strongly agree 82%
Q700 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about mental health?
* Agreement Total refers to the combined total of answers indicating either Somewhat Agree or Strongly Agree.

Moreover, almost all employees recognize it is important to take action, rather than letting mental health issues go unattended.

For example, the vast majority feel that, if unaddressed, mental health issues can lead to mental health disorders and/or chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. In addition, the majority (82 percent) of employees feel that mental health disorders require treatment. This may indicate that employees are aware that individuals with mental health issues, including mental health disorders, are in need of support.