Summary of Evidence

High-level summary of program effectiveness on mental health outcomes
Intervention Modalities Mental Health Outcomes

Mental Health Interventions (n=26) Overall Depression Anxiety Stress
Direct Interventions None Small* Small* Icon representing no information available
Indirect Interventions Small* Small Small Icon representing no information available
Stress Management Interventions (SMIs) (n=53)
Individual-level Medium* Medium* Medium* Large*
Organization-level Small Icon representing no information available Icon representing no information available Icon representing no information available
Physical activity programs (n≈40) Small Icon representing no information available Icon representing no information available Small*
Digital mental health interventions (n=13) Small Small Small Small*
Employment Assistance Programs (EAPs) (n=17) Medium Icon representing no information available Icon representing no information available Icon representing no information available
None= no effect,
Small= Small, positive effect,
Medium= Moderate, positive effect,
Large= Large, positive effect,
*= statistically significant
Icon representing no information available = data not available.

Direct interventions = programs that target mental health directly using psychoeducational approaches
Indirect interventions = programs that seek to reduce mental health symptoms indirectly through other program modalities, for example, physical activity

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