Support Employees Want

Employees want employers to take action to support mental health.

Although employers offer a range of mental health supports and employees report modest use of these supports, there may be more employers can do. In fact, the vast majority of employees (88 percent) envision steps they would like to see employers take to support mental health in the workplace. Among them are providing more information about available mental health benefits, accommodations and resources, training managers and supervisors to identify emotional distress among employees, and offering health promotion and prevention programs.

Icon representing more information
Provide more information about mental health benefits, accommodations, resources available to employees
Icon representing training malinger and supervisors
Train managers and supervisors to identify emotional distress among employees
Icon representing health promotions
Offer health promotion and prevention programs
Icon representing counseling
Offer treatment, rehabilitation and counseling programs for mental health disorders
Icon representing vacation time
Require that vacation time be taken
Icon representing work life balance
Have leaders model work-life balance
Icon representing insurance coverage
Provide better quality outpatient and inpatient insurance coverage for mental health treatment

Icon representing senior leaders
Have senior leaders talk about emotional well-being in communication to employees
Icon representing guidelines
Create guidelines for job accommodations, including time to participate in therapy, other mental health programs
Icon representing written organizational policies
Develop written organizational policies protecting employees against bullying and harassment
Icon representing mentor/mentee program
Offer a mentor/mentee program
Icon representing employee-led workgroup
Develop an employee-led workgroup focused on building a supportive culture of health in the workplace
Icon representing other
Icon representing not taking any action
I would not like to see my employer take any actions to support the mental health of employees.

Base: All qualified respondents (n=1,041)
Q840 What actions, if any, would you like to see your employer take to support the mental health of employees? Please select all that apply.

Icon representing good mental health

Employers should optimize their current mental health supports (e.g., benefits, accommodations, training, promotion, prevention, etc.) and consider which of the above programs and policies they can offer as well.