Issues Affecting Mental Health

Employees can be healthy overall, but still sometimes experience issues that require mental health support.

Emotional issues icon Emotional issues
100% Complete
Piggy bank icon Financial difficulties
90% Complete
Icon of broken relationship Interpersonal relationship issues/conflicts
78% Complete
Icon of people bullying someone Bullying and harassment
36% Complete
Icon of substance abuse Substance misuse or addiction, including alcohol or opioids
18% Complete
Caregiving icon Issues related to caregiving
18% Complete
Icon representing legal troubles Legal problem(s)
16% Complete
Icon representing other issues Other
6% Complete
Icon of shield representing good mental health I have never had any issues negatively affect my mental health
46% Complete
Prefer not to answer icon Prefer not to answer
4% Complete

Base: All qualified respondents (n=1,041)
Q720 Which of the following issues, if any, have ever negatively affected your mental health? Please select all that apply.

4 in 10 have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder

In addition, a notable percentage of employees report being diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Regarding diagnosis, 4 in 10 say a health care professional has diagnosed them with a mental health disorder, including depression, anxiety or panic disorder. Of those who say they have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder, the majority (72 percent) say they received treatment. See Table 15.

Employers may not be fully aware of their employees’ mental health needs.

Has a doctor, nurse or other health care professional ever diagnosed you with any of the following mental health disorders?
This image displays results from the survey which are covered fully in the tables below.

Click here to enlarge the graphic.

Base: All qualified respondents (n=1,041)
Q740 Has a doctor, nurse or other health care professional ever diagnosed you with any of the following mental health disorders? Please select all that apply.
* An asterisk (*) signifies a value of less than one-half percent.
NOTE: Totals are greater than 100 percent because some respondents indicated more than one diagnosis.

Has a doctor, nurse or other health care professional ever diagnosed you with any of the following mental health disorders?
No 56%
Yes 42%
Not Answered 3%

Diagnoses among those who answered yes:
Depression 23%
Anxiety or panic disorder 20%
Sleep disorder including insomnia 10%
Bipolar disorder
Post traumatic stress disorder
4% each
Substance misuse or addiction, including alcohol and opioids
Eating disorders
Obsessive compulsive disorder
3% each
Personality disorder
dissociative disorder


1% each
Prefer not to answer 3%

Base: All qualified respondents (n=1,041)
Q740 Has a doctor, nurse or other health care professional ever diagnosed you with any of the following mental health disorders? Please select all that apply.
* An asterisk (*) signifies a value of less than one-half percent.
NOTE: Totals are greater than 100 percent because some respondents indicated more than one diagnosis.